Sunday, November 29, 2009

Want to Change Things up?

Hey Everybody that's not reading this blog,
I started this blog to document the goings on while I started going back to school. I figured that it would be this thing where something new happened everyday. It's not. Yes, I'm still in school and doing pretty well, but there is not enough to blog about more than once every three months. I want to keep this blog going and eventually turn into something more so I have made this decision.

Modern Geekery will keep going and it will be more of my thoughts about what ever I feel needs to be expressed. I'm not talking online journal but just what I think of news,reviews,products,new tech, etc.etc. I hope this goes better than trying to document sitting in class everyday. I will still be updating the process of my returning to school but there is so much more out there for me to add my two cents to.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wow! So Busy!!

Greetings all,

I know I promised the big First Day post but I never knew how busy it would keep me! I thought that two days a week would provide so much home work. I have three classes and they all require about three to six hours of reading and home work. I will say I enjoy going to school more than I expected.

I guess going to high school you feel obligated to wake up and go to school and do the work just to keep your parents off your back and count down the days till you can leave for the last time. College has been a totally different story. I didn't do to well on the ASSET test so I have a high school math class and I even enjoy that because I'm learning a few things I never picked up back then.

I've been thinking a lot lately and I might take a writing class and look into maybe doing some tech writing for a site like arstechnica or engadget. Not saying I could do it but it sounds like something I would love to do.

So to wrap this up, the past three weeks of school have been a blast. Once again I will try to make time to post something useful here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Day Jitters

Well, I think I've got everything sorted out for tomorrow. I've got all my books ordered and shipped. Got a few notebooks and pencils, laptop, and a fancy back pack to put it all in. After the entire summer being spent getting my GED and finding a school that would accept the GED, getting my financial aid,and just all around worrying about everything, this is a good day. I've got the first day jitters just like I did when I was younger. "What if the kids don't like me mommy?"
I think its gonna be all good and smooth sailing for awhile. I guess I'll have to update tomorrow after school. Pretty cool that I get to say "after school" again.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It is Official

Ok people it is now official, I have received my financial aid letter and I register for classes tomorrow. Let me tell you how relieved I am. Now starts the search for books. Being that I live in North Georgia and go to a small tech school (for now) it's harder than you think to find these books. They say that you can find all the books on their online store but that is not true. Some of the classes I have to take aren't even listed on the site. What I have found I opted to look on and and found that I can get by with spending about $175 instead of the estimated $500+ they say. So today has been devoted to finding the classes I'm taking and finding the books ISBN to see how much I'm going to save (yeah I said it). If anyone is reading this yet please reply. I'm hoping to make this site something useful in the future and I would love feed back and ideas. I hope to soon get my own domain and try my hand at designing the page from scratch. Check out my twitter and facebook as well its all on the side pain. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sorry For The Delay

Ok, I know as a new blogger I should be posting everyday but I've had so much going on the past week. On the upside, I finally got everything turned in for my financial aid. I go for registration Thursday morning but I'm still kinda worried that I wont get the financial aid before the 16th. If that happens I'm gonna have to drop a good many classes till next semester when I can reapply for the aid. Like I said this week has been super crazy, birthdays,school stuff,broken sink, a lot has happened. I don't have much to say but I felt real stupid for not posting in over a week when I said I was gonna post almost every day. I've been working on keeping this and the Twitter up so bare with me until I get posting and tweeting into my daily schedule.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

On The Fence

Well people I've hit my first snag. I had updated that I had received the formal acceptance letter and registration post card. I started going through all the paper work that came with the letter and I came across something really awesome(sarcasm). I have had a real problem with not receiving mail on time. I was looking at the financial aid info and the cut off date was two weeks ago and if you have not received a letter summarizing your financial aid be prepared to pay tuition on the day of registration. I filled out all the paper work and I know that I am more than eligible for the HOPE Grant. Monday morning will be spent talking with the financial aid office to see what I can do. I don't have the $690 for the first quarter and thats got me worried, I hope I can keep with the plan of going to school and have a reason to keep this blog going. I'll update more after I get more info Monday morning.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Waiting Game

Well people, class registration is, as I have found out, a huge waiting game. I know I have been accepted because I had to go to the registration office to bring copies of things I had already turned in. When I got there I had already been accepted. To register for classes you have to have your formal acceptance letter and the post card with your reg. time. I have yet to receive a formal letter or a post card. I never realized all the red tape that you have to put up with!

update: Class registration will be Sept. 10, I guess complaining on the internet got the universal wheels moving.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Post

Hello and welcome to my blog. I got the idea for this because I thought it might help and maybe inspire people in my situation. I always said I was going to go back to school one day but once I did it I didn't realize how hard it would be. From the GED to getting accepted to a college to registering for classes to financial aid. I'm far from an expert but you just might learn something. I know I will. So with that I'll give you a little introduction and a welcome to Modern Geekery.

When I was 17 I dropped out of school thinking that I would be okay without any type of education. People do it every day, right? I worked alot of different jobs but my passion has always been computers. I finally landed what I thought would be a decent job for awhile and started to settle, but as a dreamer I always thought I would move on to bigger and better things. I was laid off in February of 09' and began my journey into higher education. I completed my GED and graduated with excellent scores. I thought I could get in to any college. I was wrong. I finally got into a school and now my adventure has began.

This will be the place that I post my day to day goings on from high school drop out to, hopefully, college graduate.